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Photos here are of Marina Oswald and me, some of my evidence, and of Lee Oswald.

This Is Marina Oswald, spring 1963
Judyth in the Laboratory 1961


MY Last Day at Work, where Lee and I worked (Reily's) was the day Lee was arrested, Aug. 9th, for handing out Pro-Castro flyers. . In the carbon, the total wages earned can be seen that matches my W-2 form. For Lee and me, Reily's was a cover job for what we were really doing. Lee worked there eleven weeks. We were hired the same day for a sub-company, Standard, and transferred one week later on the same day to Reily's, in New Orleans. Lee's Pro-Castro activities were photographed because originally, it was the people who were TAKING flyers that were of interest to Guy Banister of the FBI, and otherts. Later, Lee's pretended stance as Pro-Castro would be used to help frame him.
Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered brutally on July 21, 1964. She was my friend and medical director, in charge of an important anti-Castro bioweapon development in the field of cancer. She was found burned, stabbed multiple times, and with her RIGHT ARM ENTIRELY MISSING, including the bones, THE DAY THE WARREN COMMISSION CAME TO NEW ORLEANS TO GET TESTIMONIES. Nobody with any brains wanted to talk after seeing her story on the front page. McAdams and other detractors of my story say Dr. Sherman was á physician.'Here you can see she was the Director of a famous bone pathology lab, doing research on bone tumors both benign and malignant. Dr. Sherman in fact was one of the foremost cancer research scientists in the country.

Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered to assure her silence. people ask why I didn't speak out. I was afraid I would die, too.
Sample Photo 8

After Lee met me, he helped me go over my bank statements because we were trying to work in a five dollar shoe purchase. That's a long story which will be told in the book. But Lee saw Robert Baker's signature, which always had a flourish on it. Lee never signed his name with a flourish before viewing Robert's signature, but afterward, as in the form below, he did. Contrast this with a scan showing Robert Baker's signature (Page two Photos, not yet online), and Lee's usual signature (other two photos, below).
Sample Photo 10

This signature is typical of Lee's, showing no flourish. I will have much more than a flourish of a signature to prove my relationship to Lee, but actually, I have a number of small details like this that will surely be interesting to any careful reader, as well. Lee took out interesting books from the library in New Orlerans, such as WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CMMUNISM. This book in English was of no use to his Russian wife, who knew all about Communism, and certainly Lee, who had read ALL of Marx and Engels and had lived in the Soviet Union for two years and eight months, did not need such a book. But I did. Lee took the book out for me to read so that he could have, as he said,, "decent discussions about communism versus democracy"with me. I knew about Russian life only up to the time of the revolution through Russian literature. Lee wanted me to catch up, as all my inerests had been focused on Castro and local southern politics. Since most of my recent reading was in the sciences, Lee wanted me to catch up on all the theories behind communism, which that book detailed for me..
Sample Photo 12